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Overpopulation in America part 18 - Fishing Our Oceans to Death

Overpopulation in America part 17 - the Garbage-Waste Conundrum

Overpopulation in America part 16 - This Heart Within Me Burns - Worldwide Tragedy for Humanity

Overpopulation in America part 15 - Growing Greenhouse Gases

Overpopulation in America part 14 - Radioactive Oceans

Overpopulation in America part 12 - Serious Realities Facing Our Civilization in the 21st Century

Overpopulation in America part 11 - Killing Bees in America and Worldwide Will Be the Death of Humanity

Overpopulation in America part 6 - We Need to Think Like a Life-Giving Planet

Overpopulation in America part 2 - Endless Additions Create Endless Shortages

Overpopulation in America part 1 - Accelerating Growth Consequences


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