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Translation Dictionary - Cultural Marxism to Plain Standard English

Cultural Marxism: Standard English:


uniformity of thought and speech


Someone who is winning the argument


Something that only whites are capable of


Something that only men are capable of

Hate fact

A fact that a Cultural Marxist hates to hear

Hate speech

Speech that a Cultural Marxist hates to hear


Euro-Canadian suicide. White ethno-masochism.

Diversity/Sensitivity Workshops

Seminars where Euro-Canadians are ‘educated’ to be respectful of the customs of people who won’t respect our customs.


A process in which Euro-Canadians become reconciled to their own displacement.

“Canada is Home to the World”

Keep the floodgates open

“We are a nation of immigrants”

Native-born Canadians are the invisible majority

“Immigrants built this country”

Native-born Canadians had no part in building this country.

“Canada needs immigrants”

Employers want cheap labour

“We are enriched by diversity”

Employers are enriched by a ‘diverse’ workforce who will work for the minimum wage.  Vancouver realtors are enriched by courting Chinese millionaires.

Undocumented worker

Illegal alien

“No one is illegal”

Canadians have no right to decide who or how many people can enter the country and live here.


A queue-jumper who gains entry and draws from the social safety net simply by declaring himself a refugee.

Sanctuary city

A city where federal immigration law will not be enforced by order of city politicians who expect city residents to obey THEIR laws and foot the bill for illegal aliens’ access to city services.

Employment equity

Discrimination against native-born white male job applicants.

Affirmative discrimination

Discrimination that serves the Cultural Marxist agenda to radically change the composition of the workforce, academia and the student body.

Equal opportunity

Equality of results

Systemic racism

Something assumed to exist when the results aren’t “equal”, and when no evidence of discrimination can be provided


A status exclusively enjoyed by white males. Not applicable to members of designated victim groups who earned their position by “employment equity” or

“affirmative discrimination”

Safe place

An environment in which Cultural Marxists cannot be exposed to speech that would disturb them or challenge their world view, or allow students to hear an alternative perspective. A safe place to be indoctrinated by Cultural Marxists.




Someone who would put Canada first or would give priority to the needs of Canadians rather than the needs or wants of those who aspire to come and live here.

Immigration consultant


Realtor with a wealthy Chinese clientele

A land pimp who works to make housing unaffordable to ordinary Vancouverites

Human rights

The right of identity groups to muzzle and punish those whose opinions offend them.  The right “not to be offended”. Freedom of expression is not to be considered a human “right”.

Safe work environment

A workplace where remarks or jokes deemed to be ‘offensive’ by those who choose to be offended are prohibited under pain of dismissal or suspension.


A rational evidence-based fear


A rational evidence-based fear on the part of native-born citizens that their jobs will be displaced, their wages suppressed and local housing rendered unaffordable by mass immigration. A rational evidence-based fear of their cultural, economic and demographic displacement by continued mass immigration.


A rational, evidence-based fear of Islamic ideology and those immigrants who bring it with them.

A moderate Muslim

A silent bystander to radical Islam

Radical Islam


The Religion of Peace

The Islam that Cultural Marxists want to see

False consciousness

The belief held by the indigenous working class that the Cultural Marxist agenda of displacing their jobs with cheap imported labour is not in their best interest.


To enable members of victim groups to buy into the Cultural Marxist narrative and perform the role that Cultural Marxists have assigned to them


The approval---not just the acceptance---of ‘alternative lifestyles’ by mainstream culture. It is not to mean the tolerance of politically incorrect ideas or their expression

Heteronormative narrative

A story that doesn’t give readers or viewers the impression that every other person in the world is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgendered.


An attitude that questions the radical feminist narrative. A social arrangement or institutional policy to hire or promote people purely on the basis of merit.


All-encompassing of aggrieved victim groups but exclusive of privileged white hegemonic males and their patriarchal, sexist, and racist views

“race is a social construct”

Biology doesn’t matter

“gender is a social construct”



A well-reasoned, well-argued argument made by an opponent of Cultural Marxism


Visible minorities or victim groups who have not successfully integrated into mainstream society or who are thought to have been wrongly excluded from the benefits of that society. Not to apply to native-born Canadians who have been excluded from jobs they qualified for by virtue of employment “equity’ policies.

Fostering self-esteem

Giving a passing grade to visible minority or aboriginal students for unsatisfactory work in order that they can feel good about themselves

First Nations

Aboriginal groups who occupy land that was obtained by the ethnic cleansing of the tribe who previously occupied that land.

The Arts Community

Cultural Marxist writers, poets, film producers, actors and musicians whom the CBC anoints as representatives of the Arts Community.

“Friends of the CBC”

Enemies of objective news reporting and impartial programming. Cultural Marxists who think that taxpayers should subsidize the promotion of their ideology.

The CBC: “Canada Lives Here”

Cultural Marxists “Live Here” Ordinary Canadians don’t.

Foreign Aid

The transfer of wealth from working class Canadian taxpayers to African kleptocrats .


Pathological Altruism


Something to be dispensed to illegal immigrants and bogus refugees by using other people’s money.

“right winger”

Somebody who can use the left side of his brain

“left winger”

An advocate for the working class who works to undercut their wages and displace their jobs by supporting mass immigration.

“the apartheid state”

A reference to the pluralist democracy in the Middle East which affords equal rights to its minority Arab population, a minority which is represented in the Army, the Knesset and the Supreme Court.

“Queers against Apartheid”

Gays who oppose the one Middle Eastern state that doesn’t discriminate against, persecute or kill homosexuals.


Anyone whose world view is shaped by an appreciation of the legacy of Western Civilization. Things like reason, individual rights, scientific methodology and its applications, democracy, free speech, the tradition of critical discussion and debate, a capacity for self-correction, entrepreneurship and other inconsequential core achievements that deserve no mention or place in the canon of any modern, diverse and progressive university.

“Wise Stewardship”

A conservation ethic thought to be innate to aboriginals by Cultural Marxists who say they are opposed to racial stereotyping.

TEK (Traditional Ecological Knowledge)

Anecdotal “evidence” conveyed by oral history that has not been substantiated by science but is deemed valid because it’s politically correct, convenient and mandatory for universities who want to receive endowments and corporations who want to gain native support for resource development.

Racial profiling

The action of a police officer who makes a judgement based on his experience. Extra scrutiny applied to members of an identity group with a vastly higher crime and incarceration rate. Totally unforgiveable, of course.


Pseudo-profundity couched in incomprehensible jargon to mark territory, cloak stupidity, conceal superficiality, intimidate the uninitiated and give a voice to a steel-trap mentality that finds expression in neo-Marxist, fem-left psycho-babble repeated robotically. What can be said of Postmodernist jargon is what Wittgenstein said of political prose: “Political prose is formed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”

A Bachelor of Arts degree

Certification of successful Cultural Marxist indoctrination

Editor's note

Mr. Murray is Canadian and writes frequently on some of the same issues that both our countries face. Canada's history and his citizenship can at times result in a somewhat different perspective and commentary from ours, but his understanding of the underlying social, political and cultural issues seems both accurate and constructive. Because of its climate, population, geography and long colonial status, Canada's exposure to these issues has been more recent than ours, allowing Mr. Murray a clear view of our successes and failures and the opportunity to inform and warn his fellow Canadians.