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Open Letter to a Network News Program

Speak to what's happening to average Americans
Today, while watching an important broadcast, I was amazed by its omission of serious issues that face the American people at a time when we have a host of major topics that call for comment:
1.  Immigration drives our country toward adding 100 million more immigrants within 35 years. That number cannot be sustained.  Why are we importing over 1 million legal immigrants annually when we already face horrific job, school, infrastructure and welfare costs beyond solving? Seven states already face water shortages in 2015.  We need a total “Immigration Shutdown Now"  (Source: PEW Research Center, US Population Projections by Fogel Martin, U.S. Census Bureau.)
2. We stand $18 trillion in debt with no way out. Talk about solutions.
3. A mind-boggling 73 percent of African American children are born out of wedlock and raised by mothers living on welfare. Yet, not a peep about that harsh reality.  Address it and push for solutions. 
4. More than 25 percent of African-American males cannot find a job and do not possess literacy requirements for jobs other than manual labor.  We need to create jobs to fit this new underclass. No one in Congress addresses this issue.
5. Stop Free Trade and mandate Fair Trade so that when China sells us $10 billion in goods, they buy $10 billion in goods from us.  It’s ludicrous to keep buying their junk and keeping our manufacturing base at a standstill, which keeps 10 million of our citizens jobless.
6. We’ve got 12 to 30 million illegal aliens in this country who are damaging our economy by exploiting our jobs, income taxes, welfare systems, free breakfasts, crime, driving without insurance and more.  It’s documented that 350,000 “anchor babies” annually become wards of the state when their illegal alien mothers birth them on US soil. We’re paying for that, year after year. It needs to stop. Discuss it and make it a front row issue.
7. We face catastrophic climate destabilization from our carbon footprint, but you don’t discuss anything or talk to anyone to solve it.
8. As my recent book title reads, “America On The Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans”, we face a total of 138 million more people within the USA within 35 years by 2050.  (100 million from legal immigration, their kids and chain migration) We need to speak about the ‘Carrying Capacity’ of America and how we hope to water, feed, house, transport, educate and medicate THAT many people.  Answer: we won’t and it’s not going to be pretty for anyone.
9. We need to stop voting in the same old politicians who got us into our current predicament via not enforcing our laws.  We need new blood, new ideas, new minds and new energy.  Einstein said it best, “The problems in the world today are so enormous they cannot be solved with the level of thinking that created them.
10.  We need term limits for all of Congress because those old codgers aren’t serving this country or solving any problems -  Schumer, McCain, Hatch, Boxer, Feinstein, Kyle, Levin and the rest of them. If you want to be relevant to the American people, discuss our problems and create solutions.